01 - Initial Setup

Prep is Play

The Ironsworn/Starforged family of games all have some significant worldbuilding involved, and that can take up a lot of the time before your character starts your adventure.

For this reason, the books remind you that Prep is Play. That is, you're playing the game as soon as you engage with it, when you're starting to create the game world, when you're thinking of ideas and, in our case, when you're setting up Iron Vault and learning how to use it!

We hope you'll bring the Prep is Play spirit to seeing what Iron Vault can do and how it can help enrich your experience playing these wonderful games!

Initial Obsidian Setup

Being a plugin, Iron Vault requires that you first install Obsidian.md, a free note-taking tool that will help you organize your campaign in just about any way you'd like!

To begin, you'll want to install Obsidian on your preferred platform/device.

Once that's done, you can create a vault for your campaign!

If you'd like, you can read through the rest of the Obsidian Getting Started Guide, but you should be able to get started with just those first two steps.

Once you've created your vault, you'll be greeted by a screen that looks a bit like this:


You can go ahead and close the graph tab, then right click (or long tap) on the "Welcome" note and delete it.

Installing the Plugin

Currently, the best way to install the plugin is through the BRAT Obsidian Plugin, a tool to help you install beta plugins on Obsidian quickly and easily. BRAT is available when you browse the "Community Plugins" section of your Obsidian Settings. You'll also want to make sure to enable it, since this does not happen automatically.

Once BRAT is installed and enabled, press Ctrl+P or Cmd+P (on mobile, open up your ribbon by tapping on the bottom-right button), then select the "BRAT: Plugins: Add a beta plugin for testing" command and run it. You'll be greeted by this screen:


Enter the following URL into the box to install and enable Iron Vault: https://github.com/iron-vault-plugin/iron-vault. BRAT will automatically enable the plugin for you.

Next Steps

Now we have an empty vault and the plugin installed, we're ready for adventure! Let's get started with 02 - Your First Campaign.