
Iron Vault includes various settings for tweaking the behavior of its features, to allow you to shape it into a better tool for your use case.


  • Use character system: when enabled, this will look for an active Character file when making moves and doing other game operations. If disabled, Iron Vault will still work, but will prompt you for values of, for example, your stats. This is a good setting to disable if you only wish to use a particular subset of Iron Vault features, like Mechanics Blocks or the Sidebar but don't really care to use the various Commands.
  • Reset to default: returns all settings to their default values.


You must load a single complete base ruleset for functionality like characters to function properly. It is currently possible to load multiple rulesets at once, but this may behave in unexpected ways.

For more on rulesets, see Rulesets and Homebrew.

  • Enable Ironsworn ruleset: when enabled, the Ironsworn base ruleset will be loaded.
  • Enable Delve expansion for Ironsworn: (experimental) when enabled, the Ironsworn: Delve core ruleset will be loaded. This assumes Ironsworn is also enabled in order to work correctly.
  • Enable Starforged ruleset: when enabled, the Starforged base ruleset will be loaded.
  • Enable Sundered Isles expansion for Starforged: (experimental) If enabled, Sundered Isles content will be enabled. This assumes Starforged to also be enabled in order to work correctly. There is currently no way to "exclude" Starforged-themed content when Sundered Isles is enabled. You just get both.


For more on homebrew, see Rulesets and Homebrew > Homebrew.

  • Enable Homebrew content: when enabled, content from the folder below will be loaded and available for play.
  • Homebrew content folder: a folder (which must exist if Enable Homebrew content is on) from which to load homebrew content. Currently all JSON files in Datasworn format in the root of this folder will be loaded.


  • Prompt for rolls in Make a Move: if enabled, when you Make a move, the plugin will prompt you to roll your own dice and enter the values.
  • Prompt for rolls in Ask the Oracle: if enabled, when you Ask the Oracle, the plugin will prompt you to roll your own dice and enter the values.
  • Cursed die kind: The type of die to roll when making cursed die rolls.
  • Enable cursed die: If enabled, the cursed die will be rolled along with the oracle die when rolling an oracle with an associated cursed oracle table.
  • Graphical dice: When enabled, 3d graphical dice will be rolled on-screen whenever a die roll is made.
  • (x) die color: Sets the color of the various supported dice. Challenge dice may be colored separately in order to support Sundered Isles' Twin Fates feature (Cinder/Wraith).

New game object defaults

  • Default (x) folder: Controls which folder to put various rollable Entities in by default. You can still pick the folder on an individual basis, or even move it, regardless of what these values are.
  • (x) template file: If provided, the contents of these files will be added to the end of the new entity files when they're created. (Coming Soon) This will eventually be replaced with a more involved template system that will give you more control of how files are generated and formatted, and what additional frontmatter they include.

Mechanics blocks

These options control various parts of how Mechanics Blocks are rendered.

  • Collapse move blocks: when enabled moves in mechanics blocks will only show the move name and result when first rendered, and you'll need to click on them in order to see move details.
  • Show mechanics toggle: when enabled, mechanics blocks will have a small "Hide mechanics" toggle underneath them that, when clicked, will hide the mechanics block.
  • Hide mechanics completely: If enabled, mechanics blocks will not be displayed at all. Good for when you just want to read a story. You can also toggle this setting by using the Toggle displaying mechanics command.
  • Inline tracks on clock creation: If enabled, new tracks and clocks will be automatically inlined in the journal when created.