CSS Tweaks

Spoiler Callouts

You can create spoiler callouts by using built-in callout syntax with ![spoiler]- in the header.

For example:

> [!spoiler]- Chapter 9
> Everyone dies, sorry.

Will render with custom styling and icon, like so:

Embed Tweaks

Sometimes, you want to inline game entities in other notes, but you want to avoid all the extra decoration that Obsidian usually adds to those links. Using the iv-embed modifier in your embed links can be used to hide all these details and make your embed look as if it's fully part of your note.

It's used like this: ![[My Progress Track|iv-embed]].


Write the Docs

I vow to write this documentation

  1. box 4
  2. box 4
  3. box 4
  4. box 4
  5. box 4
  6. box 2
  7. box 0
  8. box 0
  9. box 0
  10. box 0


Write the Docs
Write the Docs

I vow to write this documentation

  1. box 4
  2. box 4
  3. box 4
  4. box 4
  5. box 4
  6. box 2
  7. box 0
  8. box 0
  9. box 0
  10. box 0