Moves Blocks

Moves blocks are rendered using iron-vault-moves. The entire purpose of these blocks is to render the searchable list of moves from the Sidebar, but in a regular note.


Using it is as simple as putting the following in a note:


Which will render this:

  • Ironsworn: Starforged Rulebook
    • Session Moves
      1. Begin a Session

        When you begin a significant session or chapter of play...

      2. Set a Flag

        When you identify situations or topics you don’t want to include, don’t want to envision in detail, or otherwise may need mindfulness when approaching...

      3. Change Your Fate

        When you encounter flagged content, reject an oracle, resist a consequence, or otherwise need to shift your circumstances within the game for your comfort or enjoyment...

      4. Take a Break

        When you resolve a progress move or complete an intense scenario...

      5. End a Session

        When you end a significant session or chapter of play...

    • Adventure Moves
      1. Face Danger

        When you attempt something risky or react to an imminent threat...

      2. Secure an Advantage

        When you assess a situation, make preparations, or attempt to gain leverage...

      3. Gather Information

        When you search for clues, conduct an investigation, analyze evidence, or do research...

      4. Compel

        When you try to persuade someone or make them an offer...

      5. Aid Your Ally

        When you act in direct support of an ally...

      6. Check Your Gear

        When you check to see if you have a specific helpful item or resource...

    • Quest Moves
      1. Swear an Iron Vow

        When you swear upon iron to complete a quest...

      2. Reach a Milestone

        When you make headway in your quest...

      3. Fulfill Your Vow

        When you reach the end of your quest...

      4. Forsake Your Vow

        When you renounce your quest, betray your promise, or the goal is lost to you...

    • Connection Moves
      1. Make a Connection

        When you search out a new relationship or give focus to an existing relationship (not an ally or companion)...

      2. Develop Your Relationship

        When you reinforce your relationship with a connection...

      3. Test Your Relationship

        When your relationship with a connection is tested through conflict, betrayal, or circumstance...

      4. Forge a Bond

        When your relationship with a connection is ready to evolve...

    • Exploration Moves
      1. Undertake an Expedition

        When you trailblaze a route through perilous space, journey over hazardous terrain, or survey a mysterious site...

      2. Explore a Waypoint

        When you divert from an expedition to examine a notable location...

      3. Make a Discovery

        When your exploration of a waypoint uncovers something wondrous...

      4. Confront Chaos

        When your exploration of a waypoint uncovers something dreadful...

      5. Finish an Expedition

        When your expedition comes to an end...

      6. Set a Course

        When you follow a known route through perilous space, across hazardous terrain, or within a mysterious site...

    • Combat Moves
      1. Enter the Fray

        When you initiate combat or are forced into a fight...

      2. Gain Ground

        When you are in control and take action in a fight to reinforce your position or move toward an objective...

      3. React Under Fire

        When you are in a bad spot and take action in a fight to avoid danger or overcome an obstacle...

      4. Strike

        When you are in control and assault a foe at close quarters, or when you attack at a distance...

      5. Clash

        When you are in a bad spot and fight back against a foe at close quarters, or when you exchange fire at a distance...

      6. Take Decisive Action

        When you seize an objective in a fight...

      7. Face Defeat

        When you abandon or are deprived of an objective...

      8. Battle

        When you fight a battle and it happens in a blur...

    • Suffer Moves
      1. Lose Momentum

        When you are delayed or disadvantaged...

      2. Endure Harm

        When you face physical injury, fatigue, or illness...

      3. Endure Stress

        When you face mental strain, shock, or despair...

      4. Companion Takes a Hit

        When your companion faces physical hardship...

      5. Sacrifice Resources

        When you lose or consume resources...

      6. Withstand Damage

        When your vehicle faces a damaging situation or environment...

    • Recover Moves
      1. Sojourn

        When you spend time recovering within a community...

      2. Heal

        When you receive medical care or provide treatment...

      3. Hearten

        When you socialize, share intimacy, or find a moment of peace...

      4. Resupply

        When you attempt to bolster your readiness...

      5. Repair

        When you make repairs to your vehicles, modules, mechanical companions, or other devices...

    • Threshold Moves
      1. Face Death

        When you are brought to the brink of death with a chance for recovery or redemption...

      2. Face Desolation

        When you are brought to the brink of desolation...

      3. Overcome Destruction

        When your command vehicle is destroyed or irrevocably lost...

    • Legacy Moves
      1. Earn Experience

        When you fill a box (four ticks) on any legacy track...

      2. Advance

        When you develop your abilities, improve your resources, gain a reward, or boost your influence...

      3. Continue a Legacy

        When you retire from your life as Ironsworn, or succumb to death or desolation...

    • Fate Moves
      1. Ask the Oracle

        When you seek to resolve questions, reveal details, discover locations, determine how other characters respond, or trigger encounters or events...

      2. Pay the Price

        When you suffer the outcome of an action...

    • Scene Challenge Moves
      1. Begin the Scene

        When you face an extended or complex challenge...

      2. Face Danger (Scene Challenge)

        When you attempt something risky or react to an imminent threat within a scene challenge...

      3. Secure an Advantage (Scene Challenge)

        When you assess a situation, make preparations, or attempt to gain leverage within a scene challenge...

      4. Finish the Scene

        When the scene challenge tension clock or progress track is filled, or when events lead to the scene’s conclusion...